
Daytrading - Trading Speed: Time to Put the Brakes On? http://ping.fm/0dB7N
Daytrade - 5 Stock Trades, 5 wins - overall: $3.67 -Markets neutral, day trading room now closed early + closed Monday, enjoy long weekend


Day Trading - 9 stock trades, 4 wins, 2 losses, 3 break even-overall: $3.57 - markets dead neutral, short and long term
Day Trading - Software - Q&A with UBS s Owain Self http://ping.fm/Q5FwC


Day Trade toy - Panasonic Introduces World's First(1) 3D Consumer Camcorder - MarketWatch - http://ping.fm/rEcwf


Online Stock Trading - SunGard Expands Algo Offering with Fox River Purchase http://ping.fm/EFsQI
Day Trading - 6 stock trades, 4 wins, 2 losses-overall: $1.49 - Markets dead neutral short and long term - summer doldrums continue


Daytrading - This Year s Model - Limit Orders http://ping.fm/lepKE
Markets Frozen - AMZN 62% bounce off lows - 9 trades $5.97 overall - Trading Room closed early, closed Monday also - enjoy weekend
Day Trade - Erroneous Trades Plan http://ping.fm/fohJp


Day Trading System - 17 stock trades, 7 wins, 7 losses, 3 break even - overall: $4.05 - markets tension day, neutral long term
Day Trading - Now an Exchange, Direct Edge http://ping.fm/KwWSM
Day Trading - Video, Hot Screen Capture Tool - http://bit.ly/JingVideo - and it's FREE


Day Trading Strategies - 6 stock trades, 6 wins- overall:$5.79 - Markets neutral short and long termhttp://ping.fm/UkkUx
Day Trading - Industry Considers Limit-Up/Limit-Down Curbs http://ping.fm/wbOni


Day Trading System - 5 stock trades, 4 wins, 1 loss - overall: $4.54 - Markets continue range bound, engulfing day candle
4 am Stock Trades -$MA $4.68 Video - http://ping.fm/umjGj
Day Trading - The Trouble with Access Fees http://ping.fm/zvAaC


Day Trading Website - Google Page Rank Power - Perpetual Traffic Report: http://tinyurl.com/3xe2eje
Day trading strategies - zero stock trades - sleeper Monday - Markets neutral short and long term - summer doldrums - yuk - better tomorrow?
Day Trade Video - Mid Day - http://ping.fm/5a7M8


Video internet marketing - Thanks Don Crowther http://bit.ly/1st-Video - 1st Ever Video - http://ping.fm/4iUaS


Day Trading Online - algorithms - High Touch and Low Touch are Neck and Neck http://ping.fm/r6mkN
Day Trade - 6 stock trades, 3 wins, 1 loss, 2 break even-overall: $3.88 - Markets neutral long term - tension for Monday to trade?
Day Trade (Live Video - chedk it out) http://ping.fm/Lmf8u new benefit for day trading= Video- love to hear your feed back- thanks


No stocks traded today - Markets, light volume, chop, boring
- Like/Fan our Page - http://ping.fm/yL8Ne - thanks


Day Trade - With Stub Quote Elimination, New Sticks and Carrots an Issue for Market Makers http://ping.fm/zll5c
Daytrading - 5 stock trades, 3 wins, 1 loss, 1 break even - overall: $5.22 - markets dead neutral - http://ping.fm/RCgQK
Mid day - day trading - 4 stock trades, GOOG winner $2.13, markets dead at multi-day highes, Tension day/week = neutral
Day Trading - Rebellion WSJ - http://bit.ly/DayTrade1, my comments WSJ - http://bit.ly/DayTrading1-The Game has Changed, and so have we!


Daytrading - Investing - http://bit.ly/1Invest
Online Stock Trading - WSJ "The Herd Instinct Takes Over" - http://bit.ly/1SP500


Must read WSJ - http://bit.ly/facebook-1, my comments to Jill Kennedy’s – http://bit.ly/WSJ_facebook, video: http://bit.ly/facebook-2
Day Trading-Must read-Wall Street Journal - http://bit.ly/facebook_1, my comments to Jill Kennedy’s comments – http://bit.ly/WSJ_facebook


The Magic of Self-Regulation - Day Trading concerns http://ping.fm/BitsF


Trading room closed-vacation till 7/12- build your web tree w/me- http://ping.fm/gsgJc http://ping.fm/yGpu9
Daytrading- 6 stock trades, 5 wins, 1 break even - overall: $3.34 - markets: edge of cliff - follow http://ping.fm/eqlyY - ty


Day Trade - 23 stock trades, 13 wins, 8 losses, 3 break even - overall: $4.84 - Markets edge of cliff - hammer day, reversal?
Day Trading - Knight Seeks Retail Flow for New Options Business http://ping.fm/YKnPM